path dependency
how the set of decisions people face in any given situation is limited by decisions people have made or events they have experienced in the past, even if past circumstances are no longer relevant
In particular, in the context of Organizational Knowledge Acquisition, it is used to refer to the suppression of knowledge B acquisition when comparing knowledge A, which is clearly related to the "current business," with knowledge B, which is not clearly related to the "current business. Acquisition of knowledge A is low in its cost.
This difference in cost creates a bias in the individual's decision to choose knowledge A as the acquisition target.
A situation occurs where all members have acquired Knowledge A and there are no members with Knowledge B in the company.
Diversity of knowledge] is lost when viewed as an organization as a whole, not holistically optimal
Existing firms lose on the knowledge gap side because they cannot acquire new knowledge due to path dependence and startups do not have that bias. Examples of countermeasures
Making such a declaration in advance can lower the psychological hurdle for the individual.
If you belong to more than one organization, your "current business" will also be more than one.
Establish [Research Division
Create a department with the responsibility of acquiring and creating knowledge.
Lower persuasion costs related to members' knowledge acquisition behavior
The knowledge acquisition behavior itself is the business.
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